Theory of Perceptional Relativity (Part 1)


     ...In the begining before the creation of the heavens and the earth there was nothing.

     You have to start by forgetting everything. Forget everything you've ever been told. Start with nothing so there is nothing taken for granted. Because a good portion of what the average person believes is lies and stories. Forget everything that you know exists and start from nothing. Imagine the nothingness, just a completely empty space with nothing in it. Imagine a room having no walls and no floors. Then take away the room and the empty space you imagined to put it in as well. Imagine not space but rather the opposite of space, no-space. Simply do not create anything not even the space to put it in.

     There can be no existence in no-space. So to therefore propose a theory I have to take for granted that there is at least one thing to begin with. Call it the "big bang" or "the beginning of time" or “the whole perception” or “the first thing” or "god" or all of these as I do. I suppose it is really a composite of all of these things and time space. This is the only thing I will not try to cover in this theory. Where it came from I have no idea. This is the biggest mystery of all and is most likely unexplainable. But what we can say for sure, is that one thing had to exist.

     The possibilities for one thing to do in no-space are exactally nothing and none. Not anything that would require existing or moving like we visualize it. You cannot exist or move without space. The only thing one thing by itself with no-space can do is divide. The outcome of this would be two separate perceptions or things and possibly a chain reaction. Why would one thing or "god" want to do this? Simply I believe to learn more. Two perceptions can learn twice as much and maybe even exist and be twice as much also, but also only contained within the whole or first I'm not sure if one thing can even divide, but it could divide its perception. At first it divided into two then four and so on but only within the original one thing (see. ex.1). This would also have a cost that as it divides more and more it loses the perception of what it was to begin with and possibly only the first perception would ever really understand entirely what it was before it divided and the sum of what it has become. The other perceptions as it divided more and more would seemingly be lost as they would never even know they are inescapably part of one larger perception. Exactly like we are today and have been since the dawn of man wondering why we are here.

     A consequence of creating an action like division, time would be born as a result. One thing and then another thing happening means that it is a series of events and that requires time to exist. So at that one instant time and space and even perception was born. The universe as we know it has been created from a big bang or singularity. A point within this complies with this theory as well. It even gives it a sort of meaning or reason as to why it happened.

…more to come soon.     
